Sans Everything
“a brilliant, breath-taking and thought-provoking performance”
Sans Everything explores a time so far in the future that humans have been replaced by disembodied intelligence. Set aboard a ship that invites the experience of traveling through the human life cycle, one embodied AI gets stuck on As You Like It. The resulting feud asks, how is humanity best expressed: through what we can do or who we are?
Set/Lights: Masha Tsmiring
Costumes: Rebecca Kanach
Sound: Brad Pouillot
Stage Manager: Eleanor Safer
Assistant Director: Tenara Calem
Created and Performed by: Aram Aghazarian, Roblin Davis, Katie Gould, Jed Hancock-Brainerd, Jenn Kidwell, Mason Rosenthal, Scott Sheppard, Clara Weishahn, and Alice Yorke
Director: Rebecca Noon
Lead Writer: Scott Sheppard
Photos: Johanna Austin,