Let Us Say Goodbye to the Lost Moments

Along the way in play creation, we inevitably get rid of some things that worked well, that we liked, that were FUN. But for whatever reason, they stopped the ultimate progress of The Work. As we reach the tail end of developing this piece, I wanted to take a minute to pay those cut moments their much-due respects. In no particular order, here are the moments (which probably won't, but may return) to Enlightenment on E Floor North.Getting Dressed:


In a couple different forms and iterations we have messed with this idea of seeing the guards get dressed while hearing some voiceover about work and museums. At long last I think we have decided that the piece can just start with guarding. Well, guarding and singing, but you know, no getting dressed.

The Dance


We tried really hard to keep in our funny choreography. We even added more in Philly, but a few days before performing in April we realized that we no longer understood what it meant at all and it all was feeling a little too cliche. Out it went.

Cleaning Yogurt


The yogurt scene definitely still exists -- tightened and polished, ready for action. However, we decided after Phase II that Turner should not actually clean it. In fact, no one cleans it. Ever. Drama ensues.

Arm Wrestling on a Windowsill


This one doesn't really count because we are on tour and so haven't had a windowsill again. Especially not one that is just the right height for Aram, but not for Roblin. However, the show now has the arm wrestling happening on a stool that is close to a wall. I keep it in here because anyone who has seen the show in AK would see it differently than the people who saw it in Philly (not to mention the people who saw it in New England where there was NO arm wrestling), and I think this is the magic of touring a piece with space variables.

Guards Playing Patrons


Jed says this one may come back in, but we haven't put it back in yet, so it has made my list. Including this part where Gene pretends to be a madman and gets taken out by Mike, which Jed tells me will never be in again.


The Mating Ritual


This scene went away in Philly, and became an actual sceney-type scene with a very small mating ritual -- almost invisible. In Philly it even included a big kiss, which has also now been cut. But just to prove it happened, here's the pic:


I could fill a whole other blog with all we've added and changed since our first shows in February, but my gosh, I would rather folks just came to a show.